


In order to enforce (i) Decree 53 guiding the Cybersecurity Law and (ii) the Personal Data Protection Decree (i.e., Decree 13), the Ministry of Public Security (“MPS”) has been working on a draft Cybersecurity Administrative Sanctions Decree (“CASD”). By way of background, the first version of the CASD was released for public consultation in September 2021. Last year, the MPS also held a workshop in Hanoi to collect public comments on a version of the…

28 January 2023 is Data Protection Day (or Data Privacy Day outside of Europe), which marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe’s Convention 108. To mark Data Protection Day 2023, Baker McKenzie’s Global Data Privacy and Security Team is pleased to present this special edition update of key data protection and privacy developments and trends across the globe, as well summarising future legislative changes, predictions, and enforcement priorities to look out for during 2023.…

Vietnam has just released today a long-awaited Decree No. 71/2022/ND-CP amending and supplementing Decree No. 06/2016/ND-CP on the Management, Provision and Use of Radio and Television Services (“Decree 71”). Decree 71 will take effect as of 01 January 2023, the same effective date as the 2022 Cinema Law. In summary, compared with the latest draft version in July 2022, the MIC only made some slight updates to the wording of Decree 71. Salient issues under…