The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organizations to re-evaluate and transform their approach to crisis and risk management in relation to their information governance programs. Since the start of the pandemic, several jurisdictions have introduced temporary legislative measures (e.g., proof of vaccination requirements), amendments to existing legislation (e.g., tax relief measures), imposed new requirements (e.g., remote working), and suspended limitation periods for legal claims and disputes in certain situations. As with any crisis that triggers…
In the wake of recent public corporate scandals involving fraud and misconduct, regulators at a global level are increasing their oversight in the area of whistleblower protection as well as issuing substantial fines and penalties to public and private sector organizations for such misconduct. Several jurisdictions have implemented, recently updated, or are introducing whistleblowing laws and anti-retaliation measures in an effort to identify and combat fraud and misconduct across different sectors including financial, pharmaceuticals, and…
Why are Intellectual Property Rights Important? Organizations that are constantly innovating to create new products (or to improve existing products) will need to consider how they are protecting those newly created (or improved) assets. One of the ways that they can do so is by ensuring that they own the relevant intellectual property rights. Intellectual property (“IP”) refers to a set of intangible assets that, when owned by an organization, legally protect that organization’s creations…
Blockchain was originally created to validate the transactions of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It can be described as a digital ledger of transactions that is an immutable database and distributed across a network of computer systems. Although touted primarily as a value transfer technology, at its core, blockchain is also a records and data management technology.1 Blockchain technology provides a system for recording information in a manner that makes it difficult to change, hack, or…
Whether you want to call it “design thinking,” “human-centered design,” or “user experience design,” the approach, goals, and strategy are all very much the same. It is a way of putting the user at the centre of your design process every step of the way, to develop and deliver the best possible solution and experience. While user experience is often thought of through the lens of providing customers with products or services, there is no…
Due diligence and ethical sourcing in supply chain management has been the subject of increasing regulatory attention. This reflects the growing impetus for companies to ensure that their supply chains are socially responsible. Similar to “Know Your Client” or “KYC” standards in the financial services sector, which protect both clients and financial intermediaries, the concept of “Know Your Supply Chain” reflects the requirements to protect workers, the environment, and the integrity of company purchasing arrangements.…
This article highlights increasing AI regulatory requirements, data risks and vulnerabilities in AI, and the importance of information governance programs to manage such data.
A fundamental element of any information governance program is for organizations to have a defensible records retention schedule (RRS).
There has been growing regulatory focus around privacy compliance records separate and apart from those containing personal information.
When setting the retention rules for their information governance programs, organizations may find that for certain categories of information, there is no applicable law or regulation that mandates retention.